차병원 박희진, 홍기림 선생님께서 의뢰하신 논문 figure가 출판되었습니다. 축하드립니다.
A Novel Paradigm for Non-Invasive Prenatal Genetic Screening: Trophoblast Retrieval and Isolation from the Cervix (TRIC)

Figure 1. (a) MPS-based NIPT (b) SNP-based NIPT.

Figure 2. (a) Effects of gestational age on the percentage of fetal fraction. (b) Effects of maternal BMI on the percentage of fetal fraction.

Figure 3. The expected NIPT results according to the types of mosaicism. (a) Euploid fetus and placenta, (b) generalized mosaicism, (c) CPM, (d) TFM, in which trisomy cells are absent in the cytotrophoblast but present in the villus mesenchyme and the fetus.

Figure 4. Four steps of TRIC (trophoblast retrieval and isolation from the cervix).
차병원 박희진, 홍기림 선생님께서 의뢰하신 논문 figure가 출판되었습니다. 축하드립니다.
A Novel Paradigm for Non-Invasive Prenatal Genetic Screening: Trophoblast Retrieval and Isolation from the Cervix (TRIC)
Figure 1. (a) MPS-based NIPT (b) SNP-based NIPT.
Figure 2. (a) Effects of gestational age on the percentage of fetal fraction. (b) Effects of maternal BMI on the percentage of fetal fraction.
Figure 3. The expected NIPT results according to the types of mosaicism. (a) Euploid fetus and placenta, (b) generalized mosaicism, (c) CPM, (d) TFM, in which trisomy cells are absent in the cytotrophoblast but present in the villus mesenchyme and the fetus.
Figure 4. Four steps of TRIC (trophoblast retrieval and isolation from the cervix).