서강대학교 신관우 교수님께서 의뢰하신 논문커버아트가 Macromolecular Materials and Engineering의 front cover로 선정되었습니다. 축하드립니다.
(Volume 308, Number 10 , October 2023)
Veasna Soum, Viktor Lehmann, Huckjin Lee, Sovann Khan, Oh-Sun Kwon, Kwanwoo Shin
A Novel Polymeric Substrate with Dual‐Porous Structures for High‐Performance Inkjet‐Printed Flexible Electronic Devices - Soum - 2023 - Macromolecular Materials and Engineering - Wiley Online Library

The cover image features a novel substrate, showcasing dual layers of pores. The upper layer filters nanoparticles through nano-sized pores, and the lower layer rapidly drains ink solvent via micro-scale pores. The result is high conductivity and resolution patterns, making it an ideal new substrate for fabricating flexible electronics via inkjet printing.
서강대학교 신관우 교수님께서 의뢰하신 논문커버아트가 Macromolecular Materials and Engineering의 front cover로 선정되었습니다. 축하드립니다.
(Volume 308, Number 10 , October 2023)
Veasna Soum, Viktor Lehmann, Huckjin Lee, Sovann Khan, Oh-Sun Kwon, Kwanwoo Shin
A Novel Polymeric Substrate with Dual‐Porous Structures for High‐Performance Inkjet‐Printed Flexible Electronic Devices - Soum - 2023 - Macromolecular Materials and Engineering - Wiley Online Library
The cover image features a novel substrate, showcasing dual layers of pores. The upper layer filters nanoparticles through nano-sized pores, and the lower layer rapidly drains ink solvent via micro-scale pores. The result is high conductivity and resolution patterns, making it an ideal new substrate for fabricating flexible electronics via inkjet printing.